
“The greatest wealth is health.”-Virgil

Transform your body & lifestyle through health, fitness & nutriton coaching. Learn the tools you need to simplify your routine and get results. New to yoga? Check out my yoga form tips video.

Why should you practice yoga?

Benefits: Lowers blood pressure, increases metabolism, improves posture, lowers stress, increases flexibility, balance, strengthens your muscles & joints. Beyond physical workout & no equipment needed.

Mind body connection- You will move, think and eat more mindfully. It creates awareness in the body and promotes self-love.

But I’m not flexible…

You don’t need to be flexible. Advanced poses are a progression in the practice but not necessary. Everyone’s anatomy & body history is unique.

Honour your body, feed your soul, not your ego. Don’t practice yoga to get better at yoga. Practice yoga to get better at living. ♡